Originally shared by Boian Mitov

Originally shared by Boian Mitov

The OpenWire has been updated to version 7.6 on Sourceforge.
#Delphi #OpenWire


  1. Is there a blog anywhere that compares the features of open wire and delphi's included livebindings?

  2. Steve Sinclair Thank you! Not at the moment. Actually OpenWire does not exactly compete with the Live Bindings, the OpenWire Live Binding is a library built on top of OpenWire and was the first Visual Live Binding for Delphi and probably for any product. I don't want to go into details, but  the Emb. basically attempted to copy it, when we refused to sell it ;-) . We offered them to license it to them, and they pretended to be interested, while asking us detail about it, and the rest of the history can be seen ;-)

  3. Sounds like I touched a sore spot- sorry. What I've seen of OpenWire Livebindings appears to be more straight forward to use.  I'm working on a small android app and I am finding live bindings fine so long as you don't want to go beyond what the live bindings designer offers you, then it starts to get more complex and it's difficult to find documentation.  Anyway I'll keep at it. BTW  I enjoyed watching the video you did for emb recently particularly the Arduino stuff - very interesting.


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