Just out of curiosity: how many of you have a "Pro" Linked-in account?


  1. "Pro"?  I have not seen that one.

    There is a Premium level, with 4 sublevels.  I bought Job Seeker level.

  2. Found it...  Looks like Pro is for sales professionals.

  3. Sorry, I meant Premium :D

    I am asking because I get really weird emails from Linked-In.

    Some time ago, I was asked if I wanted to blog using the platform and I have been blogging a bit.
    I have never really had any kind of "massive" audience, but today Linked-In came in the mail again
    asking if I wanted to write something about when I was 22, things I didn't know then that I know now.

    I think it's an automated email, kind of, it still has my name on it though
    Not sure what to think, it's not like I have a massive following anyway.



  4. LOL! Mocte Sandoval are you serious or joking?

  5. Just joking, I'm not on linkedin but I sporadically receive mails from linkedin recruiters go figure

  6. It's probably someone who is recommending you :)

    Or you have a profile but you forgot and never go there :)

  7. They suck in all your contacts and email them for you if you aren't careful.

  8. I don't have the premium account, but I got the same email from LinkedIn regarding writing when I was 22.

  9. I just ignore everything that comes from Linked-In, still don't find any real use for it, other than being another social network with job oriented content. BTW, have the basic level.


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