Embarcadero should be embarrassed. When selecting a forum link from within G+ on Android, this is what happens.

Embarcadero should be embarrassed. When selecting a forum link from within G+ on Android, this is what happens.
Marco Cantù - can't someone fix this?


  1. Just looked with FF and it reports that it is encrypted ?  Was it a temporary error or android browser playing up ?

  2. Just use HTTP ;-) As Jeroen mentions forum server stays up a few hours and crashes.

    I guess the only real fix is to turn the server off. I know there is a migration plan, and after that the forum is going to be discontinued.

  3. Marco Cantù I cannot emphasize enough how important a good peer supported forum is.  I don't care if you give up on NNTP, but the web based forum has to work like G+ where it remembers comments already read on a thread.  If i have to wade through 100 old messages to get to a new one i'm not using it.

  4. Mike Margerum Many of the folks are using it via NNTP and once expressed that they wish to keep it that way. Personally I am more of a forum guy and don't like nntp/mailing lists that much. But then the software should be snappy and responsive.

  5. Marco Cantù I use web even for NNTP forums, but your new web based forums are dog slow and don't work properly.

    Old forums are million times better whether you used them through web or NNTP interface. 

    Before you even consider retiring old forums, you should do some serious improvements in new ones.

  6. AFAIK, the plan is to have a new NNTP forum on a new system, beside those on the community site. It is not something I'm personally following so I don't know the details or the timing, but should be close (weeks, not months). And the community site is going over a big update this month, I've been told.

  7. Marco Cantù great news! I love using NNTP


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