

There's something I really do not like with the EMB marketing these days: have you seen all of those "white papers" that you can download only after having given your details?

Why can't we (EDN registered users) have them in an appropriate download section? I think it would make a lot more sense.
Also, people are usually not very happy to give their details in fear that they may be spammed. Or, to avoid that, they will give a "spammable" email address. So, why bother? Wouldn't it be easier to say "Register to the EDN", which - incidentally - would also give them access to plenty of resources? Isn't that what EMB ultimately wants for its customers, i.e. have all the tools, understanding and knowledge to make an informed decision about buying?

I think their methods are quite outdated and frankly I am surprised that nobody has pointed this out yet.


