

I am writing a new post on Linked-in, trying to make a case for a few things that EMB could do. There is something, however, that I am not completely sure about: what was the minimum version for Usertility?

Jacob Thurman ?



  1. Off topic, but on your mark; here's a shout out for your article published today in Issue 41 of Blaise Pascal Magazine (http://www.blaisepascal.eu/) concerning [Web] application security and password handling therein -- nice job -- well worth the read!

  2. Oh, thanks! I really hope people enjoy them, I think that finally security is getting its rightful place in the minds of consumers, slowly but steadily. I am sure we'll see a surge in requirements to ensure that software is as secure and safe as it can be (as I say in my artcles, 100% secuity and safety just isn't an option).


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