I've been browsing some other groups here on g+. None is especially interesting compared to this one. As a perfect OT I'd like to invite you to comment and recommend other groups. Does absolutely not have to do with Delphi. But the groups recommended should contain mainly "quality" threads at the level of this one. Thank you so much! Let's see if i can select the appropriate properties for this post from this phone :)
I've got one other "real" group called Natural Language Processing. It's cool and interesting and not too much spam.
ReplyDeleteI joined this Typescript group: https://plus.google.com/communities/113164254175157471366 a few weeks ago. Seems to be the most active Typescript group on G+. However, discussion is not up to the standard of this group (which as you say is very high...)
ReplyDeleteThis Delphi G+ group is pretty impressive for the activity to membership ratio. I belong to other groups with more members, but much lower relative activity.
ReplyDeleteOr much worse quality activity. Many groups (C# for example) seem to have a lot of posts, but they are low-quality blog posts, images that only tangentially relate to the group topic, etc. We seem to have a really nice quality per post ratio here, as well as activity : membership.
ReplyDeleteAh, David Millington the groups i've looked at concerning popular topics like "HTML5" or "Angular JS" or... it's "did you know you have to show a red asterisk in your forms... here's how to do it". Ah, well...
ReplyDeleteDavid Millington Can't say I've looked into typescript, whats the advantage over javascript? I see typescript gets compiled into js so I guess you have compiler warnings, any threads you can recommend on typescript ?
ReplyDeleteBrett Wilton I actually plan to write a blog post on this sometime - "Typescript for Delphi Programmers". In short, it's a superset of JS with type information, allowing you to write classes, interfaces, use basic types like strings or numbers, and get compiler errors when you violate type safety. It does a lot less than I expected though and (very IMO) does not live up to its hype.