Hey guys, I just started learning Delphi a few weeks ago, and I'm unable to find any solution to make my app authenticate with facebook. Everyone keeps linking me to the original embarcadero docwiki REST API page and there's not enough information on that page to do anything. I've followed the instructions as specified here: docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE8/en/REST_Client_Library#Accessing_Facebook_API

Hey guys, I just started learning Delphi a few weeks ago, and I'm unable to find any solution to make my app authenticate with facebook. Everyone keeps linking me to the original embarcadero docwiki REST API page and there's not enough information on that page to do anything. I've followed the instructions as specified here: docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE8/en/REST_Client_Library#Accessing_Facebook_API

But as usual, the code makes no sense to me. Could Someone please show me how to do something as simple as REST Authentication  and communication please? I'd be very greatful. Thank you.


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