I was wondering if anyone saw any of the following problems. Specifically, I'd love to know how to fix it, so that I can use XE8 without restarting it after every debug run.

I was wondering if anyone saw any of the following problems. Specifically, I'd love to know how to fix it, so that I can use XE8 without restarting it after every debug run.

1. After one successful debug run, the next attempt to compile project fails with error [dcc32 Fatal Error] F2039 Could not create output file '.\Win32\Debug\DPlayer.exe'. This doesn't happen, if I run the project without debugging. In that case I can run and compile the project as many times as I want.

2. Sometimes the whole XE8 would throw an exception in ntdll.dll on a first debug run, and then it is gone. Very often this would happen like 10 times in a row, making the whole XE8 a totally useless garbage.


  1. This bug has been around forever...you especially see it when debugging dll's...I can verify this bug in BDS 2006.

  2. Regarding #2, I made the observation that it happens after a fresh start or opening a new project/projectgroup. It should disappear when you make a complete Build at first.

  3. Try this Registry patch.

    Put the following code in a .reg file and merge it into your windows registry.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\14.0\Debugging\Embarcadero Debuggers\Evaluators]

    Here you will have to change the version number according to your Delphi version. in my case it is 14.0 as I am using XE6.

    This patch is courtesy of SkyDevil.


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