A couple of years ago, I came across a site about compiler optimisations (in general), with examples for the different types. With a fair bit of talk about compiler optimisation in the last couple of months, I would like to have another read of the different types of compiler optimisations.
A couple of years ago, I came across a site about compiler optimisations (in general), with examples for the different types. With a fair bit of talk about compiler optimisation in the last couple of months, I would like to have another read of the different types of compiler optimisations.
Can anyone recommend a good site that covers compiler optimisations (in general), with examples how to apply the optimisations?
Can anyone recommend a good site that covers compiler optimisations (in general), with examples how to apply the optimisations?
http://www.compileroptimizations.com seems to have what you ask for, I only just found it though, but looks ok.
ReplyDeleteThe main issue with the optimizer in Delphi IMO is that it hasn't been updated significantly since the Pentium 2 days. The relative memory speed in the mean time has fallen as a rock since then.
This means that all the redundant stores and loads Delphi does is really hurting performance, in a much more significant way today than 15 years ago.
Radek ÄŒervinka The reply (https://groups.google.com/d/msg/borland.public.delphi.non-technical/v8QPlCHlWOM/7o30JKw2u40J) with the list of possible optimisations (and Danny Thorpe's reply) was interesting.
Asbjørn Heid That looks like it... thanks.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how my Google-foo failed me so badly :(