Has anybody been able to find the correct display settings to view the Delphi XE7 IDE correctly on a MacBook Pro with retina display? I'm using 2880x1800 with font size set to 200% but the XE7 IDE displays the fonts at half size making them almost unreadable. All other applications look fine.

Has anybody been able to find the correct display settings to view the Delphi XE7 IDE correctly on a MacBook Pro with retina display? I'm using 2880x1800 with font size set to 200% but the XE7 IDE displays the fonts at half size making them almost unreadable. All other applications look fine.

Any ideas?


  1. AFAIK the only thing you can do is vote for 

    Delphi IDE is not dpi aware

  2. I've just sold my MacBook Pro with retina display for the very same issue of windows applications not working correctly with high DPI.
    Also I think that for developing purposes having this high screen resolution is the road to nowhere or, better, the road to an optician :-)

  3. I was considering buying a Macbook Pro , but since i have an iMac, I decided to just buy a Lenovo laptop.   I think great decision, as I got a really powerful I7 machine for $799.  I figure, if I need to do any Mac stuff, I use my iMac.  I mostly use Delphi and Visual Studio for development.

  4. Phillip Woon What's the model of the Lenovo?

  5. What are you using to host Windows? VMWare, Parallels, etc? VMWare has a setting under Displays you need to select to get it to work. (I'm using VMWare 7.) If you're using Bootcamp, all bets are off b/c of the aforementioned IDE issue.

    That said, I find the MBP display too small for normal use with the IDE when it's scaled so it's readable; so I run the VM in a 24" HD monitor instead. It's far easier to read. I imagine younger eyes could read the tiny fonts in the retina display just fine, but not any more.

  6. I've found a pretty decent resolution/DPI setting in which the IDE looks great and other applications are OK - 1680 x 1050 @ 125% DPI

  7. Kyle Miller Z70.  It's also got discrete graphics, as my son wants to play his video games when we travel


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