Our invoicing application is now in the Start Line!!!



  1. You should probably clarify that this is a FMX app :)

  2. Yes, of course!  I'm sorry!  

    It's an invoicing software created with Delphi and FMX library. The report library is FastReport FMX Pro. 

       This application is Multiplatform. The current video is about the MacOS X version. It runs too in Windows and we have, thanks to cybelesoft, another version on cloud.

       Furthermore, the application works with Interbase/Firebird, MySQL, MS-SQL and Oracle. 

       We are just, making the last tasks we the objetive of put this application on the AppStore.

       When this moment comes true, we are going to ask here, if any one want to be tester of the application.

    This is an Delphi RAD Studio product at all!

  3. What are some of the differences between you and the other vendors?

  4. This is, without doubt, a very complex question, at least for who have to respond it, and you know it.

       I can enumerate a large list of characteristics, like, it is multi platform, it is multi database it is compliant with the whole "OS X Human Interface Guidelines", etc.

       But, in my consideration, the most importan differences with other products became through two fields:

     firstly, it is a really new product. Not based at all in an older version. This is an advantage because the current project management disciplines, help us to create, not a final product, but the seed of a range of great products. Three layer architecture, structure of independents modules, exhaustive internal documentation, test driven technics, etc. makes wonders in the maintenance and the continuos growing process of our product.

     secondly, the plan of development, based on cover all the required and desired users requirements without exceptions. All of them automatically tested after each product build. After pass this phase, we center our efforts, in the desired requirements. But after all, we include a lot of unexpected requirements, that make the application really better that all others.

    As you can think, enumerate all the things that our application do and no other applications do, sound very stupid (for us). Because of this, if anyone want to try the application, say me, and I can give you an tester access to the App Store.

    But if you expect a good sentence about the things that make the difference for senCille, may be anything like: "senCille makes all. And make it like is expected. Simply and effectively. But in addiction, it considere that his user is intelligent and try to make he more happy simplifying his daily work."

     Thanks for your question Richard.

  5. Juan C. Cilleruelo From your experience - what was your biggest challenges with writing a FMX app for OSX?

  6. Randy Sill I'm going to take your proposal in account, in the next days. When I have the app in the AppStore I am going to contact with you.


  7. Lars Fosdal I'm sorry, Richard, but this is a more complex question that your last.

    To take a new project, for desktop, developed from the beginning in FMX and even more having in account that when we started, FMX has been starting... now I think that it was a risky decision, but I think too that it was a  guessed right decision.

    We have started with deep and detailed analysis of the requirements at the time that we create a detailed documentation about the architecture.

    We use a three layer (actually five) architecture. It's a MVC that communicate across Data Objects. Model Layer has totally separation between his pair of files PAS-DFM and the Model class. A the initialize procedure we assign the event managers, called in this style "Delegates".

    The View Layer is very very simple. It has only the pair of files PAS-FMX. 

    The Controllers became, in this architecture, the core of the application. A controller create the Model, create the view (when it's necessary), has all the logic of the application, create other controllers and manages them, communicates Model and View layers, etc.

    With this architecture, it's very very simple change the View layer every time we need. Actually the development of the application has been started with Delphi Prism, but the Road Map of Delphi (starting with XE3) had convinced us of change to our well know Delphi, another time.

    Remembering now your question, Lars, the challenges with FMX has been... to forget all the knowledge about VCL and start working with FMX like we made previously with other frameworks, like Forms.

    Another challenge has been, to structure all our own framework, with a set of Conditional Defines, to allow our development to be tested, every time we need, in MacOS or in Windows. In the same mode, we have a group of Conditional Defines, that allow us, change the target Database, every time we need.

    At this moment, our applications runs with MS-SQL, Firebird and Interbase. We are working with the target of run too with Oracle and MySQL.

    After the launch, and at time the applications grows, we have plans to communicate this application with Social Networks, and with other applications on Mobile Devices across Apps developed by us too.

    As I previously said, this is not a final application. It's more like the seed of a group of applications.

    This is the moment of the launch. After, we are going to demonstrate that the project is 100% viable, after, we are going to search financial help to grow. And after... to work, to work and to work.

    Thanks Lars for your question too!


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