Some more thoughts.

Some more thoughts.

Originally shared by Andrea Raimondi

More impressions on Delphi XE8 for mobile.

Really, I do not understand why people get mad at Embarcadero.
Ok so, here is my very small application:

- Two tabs
- Three buttons

One tab is for the buttons and one for the image.
The three buttons are:

- Photo; to shoot a photo
- Gallery: to pick a photo from the gallery
- Share : to bring up the share sheet

Time to complete the application: 30 minutes.
The only problems I found are:

* You will find nowhere written that there's some code you have to
   add to ensure that the application does not lock up. This could
   easily be added to the wizard.
* Using the camera means you HAVE TO add the CameraComponent.
  Again, this is not written anywhere.
* To bring up the share sheet, you need to have an assigned bitmap.
   Again, this is written nowhere. How about an exception?
   Also about this, ensure that the CanExec event has the flag set to
   true (again, written nowhere).

Other than these things, really, it was plain sailing.

Obviously: this is NOT a complex application, it was just a test to see what would happen, but it worked.

I haven't yet dealt with the StyleBook (which I think will require a bit of time...) but all in all I have spent less than 2 hours on this and made progress.

Tell me what you want,  but this seems batshit incredible to me.



  1. David Intersimone I think it's a testament to Embarcadero that I could do about 70% of the tutorial without using the tutorial :)


  2. It would be really bad if even this simple app would give you problems, so ofcourse you won't be mad when creating a wizard-application.

    Why people are getting mad mostly is the forcing of the subscription model on the developers. Based on the price of the subscription people have high expectations like at least bug fixes, better IDE speed (Lazarus anyone?). Instead what Embarcadero does over and over again is add some new components that they think are usefull (with a deadly simple simple demo app but no documentation or help files).  They buy some commercial projects and 'integrate' into the IDE (Castalia) and ask more $$$. Without subscription even your 'major version XE8' won't even get the full update to XE8.1 but just some bug fixes.

    Buy XE8 and you will be happy. As a one-off purchase it's not bad. Spend € 10.000+ euro in licenses over a couple of years while seeing the product getting behind on alternatives like FPC/Lazarus or even Visual Studio will make you mad.

  3. Birger Jansen I'm amazed how Lazarus open fast its projects. The only issue with Lazarus is GDB under Windows, which is damn slow (and sometimes unstable), but it is not Lazarus team's fault... and GDB works nicely under Linux. And Lazarus "Error-insight" like feature works!

  4. A. Bouchez I believe someone in the team is working on a GDB replacement!


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