Changed the layout a bit. Not a final decision, but it's resizeable!

Changed the layout a bit. Not a final decision, but it's resizeable!


  1. The loading problem might be a problem with Chrometabs itself. Not sure, yet.

    1) Feature-UIChanges, there it is already
    2)Planned, no ETA, but i don't think too far away
    3)That was in, in the past. Somewhere at some point i broke it. Will be fixed.
    4)Yes that's planned, together with TAG-Support for packages
    5)Yes that makes sense, i understand the problem.

  2. Markus Müller what do you mean exactly? Padding between the picture and the text? Padding between the packages?

  3. Padding between the text and the picture. Just some more white space so it doesn't look so cluttered.


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