Coming soon to Delphi: Support for Android services:

Coming soon to Delphi: Support for Android services:


  1. Very cool. Waiting for this since beginning of Android support.

  2. Fantastic !! I evaluated Android on XE7 this year and told my manager the only thing that would be a big stumbling block was the lack of Background Services ..... and you have done them ( or are doing them ) ...... Thanks .... Is there any idea in which version they will be available ??

  3. Marco Cantù  lots of good stuff coming in the next version, the "Double the IDE Project Power" should help alot with IDE memory problems that have been getting worse with each version :)

  4. "Use Proximity Awareness and Beacons and build a solution with Smart Lights and Smart Doorlocks that automatically turn on/off and open/close by simply walking up to them!"

    So is that like what my car will do, where it automatically unlocks the door if I place my hand on the door handle while carrying the wireless key token?

  5. "Introducing the world's first CLANG based C++ compiler for Windows and mobile with RAD PME extensions for rapid Windows and Cross-Platform development" - What exactly it means? Is it similar to: ?
    Will allow to use C++ to compile Android/iOS?

  6. Magno Lima We already have a C++ CLANG-based compiler for iOS and Android. Visual Studio piggy backs on the platforms compiler provided by Apple and Google, we have our own build with some extensions. The news is having the same compiler for Windows!

    BTW, given we are in a Delphi group, the same LLVM-back end is used by Delphi for mobile, but not CLANG, which is the language front-end.

  7. Marco Cantù Thank you for the explanation!


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