Currently thinking about adding a License.txt to the Delphinus Packagemanager.

Currently thinking about adding a License.txt to the Delphinus Packagemanager.

Curently standing between

Tending towards gpl v3, as others may not sublicense and must provide source to their software when using my source. any Ideas/Input?


  1. GPL would be a killer for many users. I have a policy here, first look at the license, if it's GPL, move along.. find something else. Don't want to risk accidently using something and then dealing with the fallout later (and many high profile companies have fallen foul of this in the past).

  2. Vincent Parrett For a stand-alone tool, GPL/LGPL won't hurt. You won't include the Delphinus source code to your end-user application.

  3. A. Bouchez  If it was a stand alone tool perhaps GPL would be ok, but this is also an open source project (at least that's my impression), and as such people are working with the source... there's always the temptation to borrow code from open source projects.. so in my case I have a policy here that we avoid GPL'd projects where we might come into contact with the source.


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