I have heard around the traps that if the .NET stuff within the IDE is turned off, it will work for a bit longer - ie, the .NET stuff is fairly memory hungry - Is that true?

I have heard around the traps that if the .NET stuff within the IDE is turned off, it will work for a bit longer - ie, the .NET stuff is fairly memory hungry - Is that true?

How do I do this in XE?
Other versions of XE7/8 (if it is different)?
What gets turned off (other than the refactoring menu item/tools)?


  1. But, the .Net plugins use memory, and also use a different memory manager - since they allocate via the .Net framework.

    Nick, I see there haven't been any answers to how to remove the .Net stuff.  I don't, since I don't run into memory issues with the projects I work on. However, from what I remember I think it's just a matter of going into the Known IDE Packages registry key and removing the ones that you don't want.  (Back up the keys first!)  I'm not sure how reliable the descriptions there are either, by the way - for example, is "$(BDS)\Bin\vclmenudesigner210.bpl" really ".NET Core IDE Package" as the registry entry for XE7 claims?  I doubt it.

    But you could probably remove refactoring, the guided tour, the assembly browser, and more...

  2. David Millington .Net might use a different memory manager but wouldn't it still allocate memory from the available memory of the process?
    Ie. there is only one pool of memory that multiple memory managers pick from - right?

    Distiller (currently only available on Torry now) has an option to totally disable .Net it seems but it did this by modifying one of the core BPLs but of course, that isn't possible in XE4+ due to the code signing.

    So disabling .NET in XE4+ not possible, so it looks like disabling packages is the way to go... :-\

  3. Nicholas Ring Yes - so it uses up memory address space, which is only 2GB anyway.  But if in some magical world the .Net plugins used FastMM, it might help, because there'd be less overhead, probably slightly more space available to allocate from, not two MMs allocating within the one constrained address space and getting in each other's way, etc.  Of course, that's a thought experiment not a real option :)


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