Please advise, is there any way to implement Delphi client to support "Server-Sent events" technology?

Please advise, is there any way to implement Delphi client to support "Server-Sent events" technology?

I believe Delphi has the ability to support it, however I can't find the way out of the box :)


  1. Out of the box, you may use DataSnap callbacks.
    But AFAIK it requires a TCP connection, and certainly configure your firewall.
    You may consider using WebSockets, as an alternative. See e.g. what our Open Source framework offers:
    You could find a simple chat demo using a HTML5 client at

  2. Thank you all.
    Sorry, but I meant about SSE not WebSockets :) and I am looking for Delphi client examples (not Server code). Can you share the real example of interation Delphi + Server (SSE) ?


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