Lars Fosdal​ I'm reading way too many questions on the /sub thingy. Could you perhaps do some "sticky" thingy like you did with the Seattle tag? Just a thought, it could help some people to feel more welcome here.


  1. The stickies are very annoying, and people will quickly figure it out, IMO.

    "I probably could have written a whole sentence to follow this thread, but instead I wrote /something"

  2. That said - I amended the current sticky instead - but it will be going away in a few weeks, to reappear at next mysterious version name :P

  3. Wouldn't /follow be more self explanatory? I dont want to start a dicussion about what should be written but I feel /sub is confusing.

  4. sub stands for subscribe which is self explanatory

  5. /notify

  6. Alexander Benikowski when I first saw /sub I was like wtf is this 😮

  7. I find it annoying (why not contribute something) and figure it is a lazy substitute for adding a post to a collection or creating a personal circle to repost to. But that's just me.

  8. /10char (don't ask me what that means but google for yourself)

    Apart from that I find this /sub to become very annoying. Google should provide a way to subscribe to the comment notifications without commenting yourself - can't be that hard! More annoying than people +1 a question without giving an answer. This is not SO, I don't need +1 on a question, I need an effing answer! ;)

    P.S. post.UnregisterObserver(Self);

  9. Patrick Hughes​ problem is that when you share to your own repository you won't get notified when the thread develops, i.e. things happen.

  10. Dany Marmur that is true, however I believe it is also true that notifications dissipate after a bit of time so even if you /sub you are no longer notified after awhile.

  11. Aah, yes. I've had that notion too! Google does what Google wants.

  12. Patrick Hughes I get notifications on new content from threads that have been inactive for months.

  13. I do from posts I start Jeroen Wiert Pluimers but I can't say with certainty I get them for posts I comment on. In fact I'm inclined to think some fall by the wayside.


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