Ok, a blast from the past. Did anyone else use Windows 3.1 with Calmira, a replacement shell written in Delphi 1?

Ok, a blast from the past. Did anyone else use Windows 3.1 with Calmira, a replacement shell written in Delphi 1?

and http://www.calmira.net/screenshots/pcfreak1.htm (animated GIF, give it a couple of seconds)
and http://www.calmira.net/screenshots/gerhard.htm (an XP look - this was long after I last used it) and I gather there is or was even a Vista-mimicking look
It is still downloadable, including source, from here: http://www.calmira.net/

The code was way past my level of understanding at the time, but it inspired me to write my own shell, also in Delphi 1. I got a Start menu of sorts going at least, I think. Source code was lost long ago - and was probably abominable. I was a kid, and mostly self-taught. I didn't even understand object-orientation properly back then. Still, I can't help wishing I still had it around somewhere, just to fire up and look at.

#delphi1  (Yes, Lars Fosdal, it deserves its own hashtag too. Why does Seattle get all the fun?)


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