Do you use UML Modeling Features?

Do you use UML Modeling Features?


  1. Hardly. Sometimes for software archeology and occasionally to visualise what's in my mind. Not any more for code generation: modern language features took away my need for that.

  2. I see that UML Modeling is not the most popular feature of Delphi ;)

  3. You are missing the "sometimes" and "rarely" options. Many nos could actually be one of those.

  4. Andrea Raimondi you are completely right, I did not think about it :/

  5. It's interesting to note that Microsoft has even ditched their Entity Framework visual tooling, and prefer a code-first workflow.  UML and ER diagrams were over-sold, and never were as good an idea as they seemed.

  6. UML and ER are useful for refactoring - i.e. gaining understanding of existing systems.  

    As for design vs code: I do believe that the art of requirements should not be ignored, and that some basic decisions needs to happen early.

    One of these are establishing and formalizing a vocabulary. What are these objects? What are their names? Which are their properties? What do your call the relationships between them? What are their actions and interactions?

    Another is dataflow - what produces data, what consumes data, what validates data, what discards data?

    A third is separation and abstraction - where and how do you do isolation between modules?

  7. Roland Kossow​, A few years ago I was trying to use it... but I did not like it... Dont remember why.


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