Hi Guys

Hi Guys

I'm trying to port our Firebird 2.0 database to Interbase to be used with Interbase ToGo. The issue I have currently is with some of the external functions like CHAR_LENGTH and TRIM. These were available natively in Firebird, but it seems it must be imported from the external UDF library using Interbase.

I have found the DLL in the Windows IbToGo distributions, but I don't see it in the Android distro. Can someone give some indication if these libraries are build into the Android SO library?

Much appreciated!



  1. The should havre the same name (except for the extension of course) since that name is included in the SQL to define the UDFs. No?

  2. Hi Dany

    I'm not 100% sure about your question? Same UDF??? Are you talking about the library name?


  3. Hi, sorry. Yes, the name of the library is referenced in the sql clause to enable the udf. Not much help...


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