Most of the CodeRage X #10Seattle videos are available for replay now. There are a few that had some issues and I am still editing them to fix them. There are a few others that are premium and only available to Update Subscription customers. Emails should be going out to everyone involved with details.

Most of the CodeRage X #10Seattle  videos are available for replay now. There are a few that had some issues and I am still editing them to fix them. There are a few others that are premium and only available to Update Subscription customers. Emails should be going out to everyone involved with details. 

I'd like to thank my son, who came with me during his vacation to edit, render and upload CodeRage videos so we could get these online so quickly.


  1. Thanks to the McKeeth's family and Embarcadero for having another fantastic CodeRage !!!!

  2. Yesterday with you here in Brazil! :)


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