My CodeRage session on static analysis in Delphi.

My CodeRage session on static analysis in Delphi.


  1. Hello Roman, I just bought the plugin. Why? With it I found some errors in a project which had zero errors during compilation. It was a solid as a rock for me. 
    So... great job!

  2. I'm going to show this slightly more in depth at the DAPUG workshop this week in Denmark. Example code is at

  3. Going to have to check this out. Missed the presentation of CodeRage last week.

  4. I purchased and installed. Problem I have with it in my VM image (dual monitor Windows 10 Delphi 10) is the plugin window height is bad and isn't centered vertically. It's 1/2 way off screen at the top. I can only get to all options if I reduce width of plugin until it moves down in height.

    I would also love to see a couple of Nick Hodges options:

    1) show a warning if it finds ANY With statements. (You have nested with detection, but I think would be nice to trap ANY with statement too.

    2) FreeAndNil earnings as well.

    Leaving arguments on validity of usage off the table, it would be useful to help clean up legacy code.

  5. Lance Rasmussen Hi Lance, I saw your message on the support website yesterday but it was anonymous and I could not contact you. Let me guess - do you use undocked layout?

  6. Lance Rasmussen Please try to dowload the latest build from the website and re-install.

  7. Yep. I use undocked. I'll redownload.

  8. Confirmed fix resolved undocked IDE in 10 Seattle.  Thanks Roman!

  9. Roman Yankovsky is that newer than the build I have (session is tomorrow)

  10. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers I've uploaded an update today in the morning. It fixes that issue with undocked layout. So if you don't use undocked layout, you don't need to update.


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