Strange... I get AV in RTL150.BRL (Delphi XE) on exit after installing #TestInsight ( Uninstalling it solves the problem. Any hint?

Strange... I get AV in RTL150.BRL (Delphi XE) on exit after installing #TestInsight ( Uninstalling it solves the problem. Any hint?


  1. Stefan Glienke Is the man to ask :)

  2. Yes, I have noticed too that the number of AVs in the IDE (XE2) has increased after going from to, but I didn't want to blame TestInsight.
    For me it also happens while tests are running.

  3. Piotr Antoniak Why don't you just report it in the issue tracker and provide me some more information? Without information I cannot fix anything.

  4. I created a ticket 45 minutes ago. I don't know if I'm on the right track though.

  5. Lübbe Onken I saw that but it sounds different from what Piotr mentioned.

  6. Right, I forgot to mention that I (often) get AVs in RTL160 when I quit the IDE. So I thought that maybe some of my tests throw TestInsight off track. I try to gather more useful information.

  7. Stefan Glienke Ticket created.
    I found out that the issue occurs when the TestInsight ( and the DDevExtensions (2.83) by Andreas Hausladen are installed together.

  8. Piotr Antoniak Thanks - but I need some more information (I am replying here because you posted the issue as anonymous so most likely you won't get any notification).

  9. The issue is even stranger because it involves three different delphi wizards (TestInsight, DDevExtension and Parnassus Bookmark by David Millington​). I will report it in the issue tracker a bit later.

  10. I have found XE is very difficult to keep stable on exit, and there are several bug reports I've got where it crashes on exit with any plugin installed.  XE4-8 seem the most stable.

  11. David Millington​, true. I had no issue with this combination in #10Seattle.

  12. I would stop supporting both XE and XE2 in my plugins if I could. I've thought several times of announcing an end-of-life for their support some time in the future, but haven't. The main problem, and reason I haven't done this yet, is that people use those versions - so I have to support them. If I could only communicate how different and better and more stable the newer versions of Delphi are, so every Delphi developer in the world said "Yep! Upgrading now!" I'd be a happy plugin developer :)

  13. David Millington XE is perfectly fine. It's all the low quality third party crap that is making it unstable. And that ranges from designtime packages that do strange stuff and don't properly clean up their references up to IDE experts that hook all kinds of stuff from the guts of the IDE without thinking about another plugin that might do the same.

    And that has nothing to do with the version. I just had some strange AVs in Seattle and was about to blame EMBT for this (of course, who else!) until I found out that some third party library designtime packages caused this.

  14. Stefan Glienke Maybe. In my experience, I've had a lot more trouble with XE than with other versions, even when the same set of experts are installed, including when none are installed. If I get a crash report, there's a > 50% chance it will be for XE than for XE2-Seattle. Make that > 80% chance.

  15. Guess what David Millington . We have XE8 + plus update subscription for all developers in this company, but we haven't made the move yet. Apart from me everybody is on XE2 and I only start XE8 to check what I need to do to make our source compile under XE8. I guess we'll leave XE8 out alltogether and move to Seattle directly.

  16. Lübbe Onken Fantastic news :) And yes, go straight for Seattle, it's a great (and pretty stable) version.

  17. David Millington You using Indy in your plugin?

  18. Stefan Glienke Yes, but only in a helper DLL. Why?

  19. Stefan Glienke  Issue tracker has been updated


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