Firstly can I just state for the record I am not a bad coder, but a "manager" has forced me to change a load of my code, which involved the class model underneath at the 11th hour and now I have a shed load of memory leaks. The ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True; just won't cut it in this cicumstance, as I have medium to large blocks and it does not specify where or what ( see image ).

Firstly can I just state for the record I am not a bad coder, but a "manager" has forced me to change a load of my code, which involved the class model underneath at the 11th hour and now I have a shed load of memory leaks. The ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True; just won't cut it in this cicumstance, as I have medium to large blocks and it does not specify where or what ( see image ).

Back in the Delphi 5 days I used to use MemSleuth and this tool was superb. Does anyone know of a tool like that that exist for Delphi 10 ( or even XE7, as I can go backwards on this project )

