I have been playing with AboutBoxServices.AddPluginInfo and added an entry for GExperts to the Delphi IDE About dialog. One onnoying thing remains though. As you can see in the first picture, Delphi prefixes the version number with the string "Product Licence Status:". It does the same for the JVCL, but not for the "Delphi Praxis Help Booster", as you can see on the second picture. Any idea why that is so?
I have been playing with AboutBoxServices.AddPluginInfo and added an entry for GExperts to the Delphi IDE About dialog. One onnoying thing remains though. As you can see in the first picture, Delphi prefixes the version number with the string "Product Licence Status:". It does the same for the JVCL, but not for the "Delphi Praxis Help Booster", as you can see on the second picture. Any idea why that is so?
I'm using the following code:
if Supports(BorlandIDEServices, IOTAAboutBoxServices,
AboutBoxServices) then begin
bmSplashScreen := LoadBitmap(HInstance, 'SplashScreenBitMap');
Result := AboutBoxServices.AddPluginInfo(
'GExperts is [...]'#13#10
+ '(c) by Erik Berry and the GExperts Team'#13#10
+ 'http://www.gexperts.org',
I'm using the following code:
if Supports(BorlandIDEServices, IOTAAboutBoxServices,
AboutBoxServices) then begin
bmSplashScreen := LoadBitmap(HInstance, 'SplashScreenBitMap');
Result := AboutBoxServices.AddPluginInfo(
'GExperts is [...]'#13#10
+ '(c) by Erik Berry and the GExperts Team'#13#10
+ 'http://www.gexperts.org',
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