I repost this since comments were disabled on the previous post.

I repost this since comments were disabled on the previous post.
I'm no more able to debug my Android application starting XE8 and up.

I'm using an Honeywell Black 70e device... Nothing fancy... An industrial barcode scanner running Android 4.03.

My problem is that debugger is useless. I'm getting segmentation fault (4) when stopping at breakpoints or segmentation fault (11) and eaccessviolations...

This is really frustrating. Has anyone a solution for this ?
I'm currently running Seattle 10 Update 1 with Java jdk1.8.0_66 64bits + android SDK 24.3.3 32bits.

Here is some system information (created with System info Honeywell tool):

DATE/TIME: 24 nov. 2015 11:51:04

PRODUCT: dblack
BRAND: Honeywell
MODEL: Dolphin 70e Black
TYPE: user
CPU_ABI: armeabi-v7a
SERVICE_PACK: No Service Pack
RELEASE: 4.0.3
Memory Total: 510541824
Memory Free: 114507776
Memory Cached: 187707392
Memory Buffers: 7905280
IPSM Total Space: 61669376
IPSM Available Space: 47742976
SD Card Total Space: 1000013824
SD Card Available Space: 966574080
Internal Storage Total Space: 372621312
Internal Storage Available Space: 52498432


  1. In fact I wanted to comment, but could not. I can debug on Android, see no core issue there. USB driver is quite critical, but if you could debug earlier, it seems odd...

  2. Marco Cantù​, I followed this ( http://android.stackexchange.com/questions/73152/adb-not-seeing-device-after-update ) to make my device visible and usable. This is really odd. Can someone at Emb pick such a device and test it ?

  3. I don't think we have that device, we can only claim support for the most commonly used ones. If ADB cannot fully see it, the device is not in "debugging", or something core, there is no chance we can support it. We merely invoke ADB commands to deploy. For debugging, we rely on GBD.

  4. My issue must be with GDB then. Do you know what Segmentation fault (4) and Segmentation fault (11) stands for ?

    Should I change the Android SDK and choosing a prior version ?

  5. For the record, I've removed USB drivers (to be sure), downloaded latest Google drivers and installed them again... I'm still getting Segmentation Fault(11) when stepping into my code :(... Should I change GdbServer ?


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