Inno Setup: Program Folder not showing up In Start > All Programs.

Inno Setup: Program Folder not showing up In Start > All Programs.

I've been updating my Inno Setup installs and I'm running into a situation where the Program Folder is not showing up in the Windows 7 Start > All Programs. The wierd part is the program folder does exists in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

The other weird thing is if I [click] Start [right click] All Programs [click] Properties [click] Ok then go back to Start > All Programs the Program Folder shows up.

Can you think of anything that will cause this behavior?


  1. refresh Start Menu,
    taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
    del %LOCALAPPDATA%\IconCache.db /a
    start explorer

  2. I just tried what you suggested and it still behaves the same way.

  3. i know it's bug, maybe you check "ms update , "explorer" can't detect user modify "start menu" (guess

  4. windows 10 new in " "


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