Interesting weirdness on the Delphi XE6 splash screen today. The black window stayed the same size, but the graphics & text sort of "zoomed out". Caught a screen shot before it completely disappeared. Never seen it before, and all started okay. :)

Interesting weirdness on the Delphi XE6 splash screen today. The black window stayed the same size, but the graphics & text sort of "zoomed out".  Caught a screen shot before it completely disappeared. Never seen it before, and all started okay.  :)


  1. Happens to me regularly with XE2. It zooms out in two or three steps. Also no idea why.

  2. It's a Windows "feature", when a process is not responding :)
    (I think)

  3. I've seen the XE8 one do this, too - I wondered if it was too many plugins and components etc, something being a bit confused about 'extending' the splash dialog from time to time. Usually it's fine, but once in a while it acts really strange. :-)

  4. I'm seeing this for a long long time now (maybe starting D2007)

  5. I get something similar a lot, with all RS versions. For me, I get a shadow window - the black one stays in the same place and size, and I get the splash screen contents drawn above and to the left. Weird.

    By the way - nice plugins ;)

  6. I see this often happen with XE5, too. And yes, there are some components installed.

  7. Okay, so not such a rare sighting, thanks everyone. 
    David Millington thought you'd spot that ;)

  8. This does not consistently happen but has happened a few times between XE2 to XE8, haven't seen it happened with Seattle but now that I mentioned it, most likely will happen.

  9. XE4 does it as well, so it would seem its a Feature :-)


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