Blog post "Feature Requests in Embarcadero Quality Portal" at

Blog post "Feature Requests in Embarcadero Quality Portal" at


  1. Great stuff! I noticed this morning a whole bunch of items I entered or watch were reclassified as 'New Feature' and was wondering if that meant this was going to be possible for us too.

  2. As a user, you can create a "New Feature", not reclassify an existing report. If there is anything you want us to reclassify, let us know. We have another 250 already filtered and marked internally to go over, and it will take some time. But no problem getting suggestions even during the process.

  3. Excellent. I'll check my own reports ASAP.

  4. Horácio Filho, I've approved the request, although there are probably 3 or 4 similar requests in the system, leading to a lot of duplicates. Please check a feature hasn't already been requested, before submitting a report.... That would help.

  5. Marco Cantù Thanks a lot :D Sorry for that, I will take more care next time :D

  6. Marco Cantù I have created two more "New features" requests - Initialize local variables with default type value, - NameOf(T) compiler (magic) function. I would love if you could take a look :D Thanks in advance.

  7. I do get an email for each of those entered, no need to ping me. Btw, approving them just means the request makes sense (at lest to some degree) and it is worth considering -- but the evaluation of IF and WHEN taht will get into the product it is done later in the cycle.

  8. Only one of my still-open feature requests have not been changed yet:

  9. Asbjørn Heid​ TFileStream lacks Flush method, currently it does unbuffered I/O and it has huge performance effects.

  10. Asbjørn Heid​ In fact, TStream parent class doesn't have a method to force the buffer to be written to the disk, memory or other things.

  11. Horácio Filho TStream is a prime example of why one should prefer composition over inheritance. That said, one can always use a buffering TStream wrapper if required.

  12. Asbjørn Heid Converted that one as well, we should be done with the conversion of all existing feature requests in the system by tomorrow.


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