Did you know, that a bookmark in the IDE contains not only a line number but also the character index in that line? So you can have a bookmark in Line 10, character 5 and also Line 10 charater 100.

Did you know, that a bookmark in the IDE contains not only a line number but also the character index in that line? So you can have a bookmark in Line 10, character 5 and also Line 10 charater 100.

And that you can have more than 10 bookmarks? (Even though only 0-9 are saved in the .dsk file of your project and are actually accessible.)

And that you can have those 10 bookmarks per module?

(I should really stop playing around with GExperts and do some serious drinking. ;-) )


  1. Yes, and most other commands from goode olde WordStar is also applicable. :-)

    A text editor way before its age and still unknown to most.

  2. Yes, yes and yes. :-)

    While I was writing a hook plug-in (still in pre-alpha) so everything (such MMX and back then, Castalia navigator bar) would use David Millington Bookmarks, I found all the above out.

    You can have Integer (-2147483648..2147483647) number of bookmarks (that is a lot of bookmarks, even if you pick the positive numbers), with SmallInt (-32768..32767 - How do you have a negative numbers of characters on a line??) characters on a line, and LongInt (-2147483648..2147483647 - negatives lines?) lines in the file.

  3. Aside from the bookmark definition contains char index, another weirdness of the IDE I don't like is that when doing undo actions, sometimes it change your caret position unexpectedly.

  4. WordStar was a close friend from the CP/M days, but I never heard of ReportStar or DataStar. Not surprising, considering the country I live in.


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