Fmx / android 4.03 : from time to time my stringgrid doesn't display my dataset records contents: only empty lines are displayed. My grid is linked via livebidings. Is there a way to refresh the grid so that my values get displayed again ?

Fmx / android 4.03 : from time to time my stringgrid doesn't display my dataset records contents: only empty lines are displayed. My grid is linked via livebidings. Is there a way to refresh the grid so that my values get displayed again ?

I'm not able to reproduce this at all... As i'm not able at all to debug android apps too...

This is REALLY paintfull to develop android applications with Delphi 10...

If I open a support case will this be fixed or shoud I definitely go down the Android Studio way ?

I've already filled reports on quality central... I'm really fed up as embarcadero doesn't seems to take care of all of this !


  1. Stéphane Wierzbicki It seems the problem is related to LiveBindings :( Have you tried to perform a factory reset on your phone? Sometimes the problem is attached to the ROM embed on your phone, I had a problematic Samsung phone. Had you been able to debug apps before you updated the Delphi? My debug experience is better using 10 Seattle UP1, now, I am able to set breakpoints more deep and they get called as expected, before that I had to set breakpoints at root of a method otherwise it was not get called :(

  2. Horácio Filho​ I was able to debug this with previous Delphi XE 7 version. I'll try to reset and report later. Thanks

  3. No luck... I did reset my device.... Debugger stops at breakpoint but I'm getting "Exception raised at $51B4DDFA. Exception class Illegal instruction (4). Process Gestion_CTM.apk (3827)"


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