A beta release of the new version of #Gnostice #XtremeDocumentStudio Delphi, v2015 R9, is now available.
This is a big new version we have been working on for several months now. We made beta versions available to customers in the past weeks and now we are happy to announce the final beta to everybody.
To download the beta and other EXE demos, please go to:
We have been running a special on all purchases of XtremeDocumentStudio Delphi over the last few weeks and there's no better time than now to take advantage of this offer. You get 25% discount on XtremeDocumentStudio Delphi Ultimate edition until December 31, 2015.
Regular Price: $600
Price until December 31, 2015: $450
Price includes 12-month free updates to major and minor releases.
The 25% discount applies to purchases of the multi-developer packs as well.
For more purchasing options, please go to:
Customers with an active subscription for XtremeDevSystem Delphi or XtremeDocumentStudio Delphi get this update free. Customers who have not yet renewed their subscriptions may renew now. Upto 60% discount is available for subscription renewal.
Here are some of the areas we worked on for v2015 R9:
Document Viewing
Word formats: We have completely redesigned and optimized the processing and rendering of Word formats (DOCX, DOC, RTF…). In this, we also rewrote the DOCX processor and introduced DOC and RTF support. Now there's a common cross-platform layout engine that takes DOM elements and renders them to the specified canvas. The individual cross-platform document processors for DOCX, DOC, RTF simply output a common set of DOM elements. With this design, support for other Word-like formats is very easy. VCL, and FMX Windows and Mac OS X support is included in the trial. With the registered version you will be able to build for iOS and Android. The following Word elements are currently supported:
- Section - Page size, Page Orientation, Page margin, and Columns.
- Paragraph - Alignment, Line Spacing [Multiple, Exact, Atleast], Spacing Before, and Spacing After.
- Paragraph Indentation - Left, Right, First Line, and Hanging lines.
- Numbering and bullets.
- Text - Font, Family, Size, Style, Color, and Highlight.
- Images - Inline, Floating, In Font of text, and Behind Text.
- Text Wrapping type - None, Square, Through, Tight, Top and Bottom.
- Tables - Borders, Cell Color, Margins, and Conditional Formatting.
- Styles in Paragraph, Character, Numbering, and Tables.
PDF: We added many new PDF handling capabilities including support for AES decryption, bookmarks with named destinations, viewing annotations in the viewer, interactively adding sticky note annotations in the viewer, and viewing annotation comments in the new annotation view pane. There were also several fixes and enhancements to PDF rendering.
VCL Document Viewer control: The major addition to the VCL viewer control is the ability to view document comments for PDF, interactively add comments to PDFs and the bookmarks pane supporting navigating the document even for bookmarks with named destinations (an indirect reference to the actual page the bookmark points to). New helper methods are also included such as GetZoomPercentForZoomMode, GetZoomSteps, which provides the zoom values for a document/page which include the pre-defined steps + the dynamic values for FitWidth, FitPage and FitHeight zoom modes.
FMX Document Viewer control: Issues related to overlapping of pages while scrolling in iOS device and rendering issues in OS X have been fixed.
IntraWeb DocumentViewer control: We have a new document viewer control for viewing documents in IntraWeb applications. PDF, DOCX, DOC, RTF and the image formats are now supported.
Report Document View control: We were asked many times by many users for a control to render PDF and other formats on reports. Now you have a document view control for FastReport that you can place on your report, connect the control to a blob field containing a PDF/DOCX, DOC/RTF/Image and it will render the document on your report. This control is in preview now with support for single-page documents only included now. It will be enhanced in future releases.
Document Conversion - VCL
Now conversion to PDF from any of the supported formats is a standard feature - earlier you had to use eDocEngine in combination with XtremeDocumentStudio. Following conversions are now supported out of the box:
DOCX, DOC, RTF and Images to PDF
PDF, DOCX, DOC to RTF and Images
Report Export - VCL
Some essential enhancements to PDF have been made including support for font embedding and setting of DocInfo properties.
Other New Controls - VCL
We have included three new VCL controls related to file browsing (derived from the standard Shell controls) - TgtFileBrowserTree, TgtFileBrowserList, TgtFileBrowserCombo.
Standard Viewer Actions
The standard viewer actions have been overhauled and enhanced. The actions now update their Enabled and Checked states based on viewer state. The LoadDocument action exposes its OpenDialog and populates the filter string based on the currently registered document formats.
The XtremeDocumentStudio Framework
The global XDocFramework object provides methods to get the open dialog and save dialog filter strings based on the registered formats and the RegisterDocument method now takes the description (used for constructing dialog filter strings) for the format being registered.
The demos have been overhauled, consolidated and enhanced. The VCL document viewer demo includes support for viewing of all supported formats including the example custom formats (.fp3 and other report output files to be added soon). A file browser control is included to easily select files to view. Along the same lines as the viewer demo, there is only one document converter demo now and it supports all the built-in and custom formats.
XtremeDocumentStudio Delphi Ultimate 2015 R9 includes the following currently:
- Multi-format VCL viewer for PDF, DOCX, DOC, RTF and images.
- Multi-format FMX viewer for Mac OS X for PDF, DOCX, DOC, RTF and images.
- Multi-format FMX viewer (beta) for iOS (PDF, DOC, RTF, images) and Andriod (DOC, RTF, images).
- Multi-format VCL printer.
- Multi-format VCL converter.
- Multi-format VCL report export for FastReport, ReportBuilder, QuickReport, ACE Reporter, and Rave Reports.
- Multi-format IntraWeb VCL document viewer.
- Multi-format FastReport VCL document view control
- Full Source code (registered version).
For more information please view the following links, articles and videos:
Product Home Page
FastReport Export Video
ReportBuilder Export Article
QuickReport Export Article
ACE Reporter Export Article
For any questions related to XtremeDocumentStudio or other Gnostice products, please contact support at or sales at
Thank you,
The Gnostice DevTools Team
Gnostice Information Technologies
A beta release of the new version of #Gnostice #XtremeDocumentStudio Delphi, v2015 R9, is now available.
This is a big new version we have been working on for several months now. We made beta versions available to customers in the past weeks and now we are happy to announce the final beta to everybody.
To download the beta and other EXE demos, please go to:
We have been running a special on all purchases of XtremeDocumentStudio Delphi over the last few weeks and there's no better time than now to take advantage of this offer. You get 25% discount on XtremeDocumentStudio Delphi Ultimate edition until December 31, 2015.
Regular Price: $600
Price until December 31, 2015: $450
Price includes 12-month free updates to major and minor releases.
The 25% discount applies to purchases of the multi-developer packs as well.
For more purchasing options, please go to:
Customers with an active subscription for XtremeDevSystem Delphi or XtremeDocumentStudio Delphi get this update free. Customers who have not yet renewed their subscriptions may renew now. Upto 60% discount is available for subscription renewal.
Here are some of the areas we worked on for v2015 R9:
Document Viewing
Word formats: We have completely redesigned and optimized the processing and rendering of Word formats (DOCX, DOC, RTF…). In this, we also rewrote the DOCX processor and introduced DOC and RTF support. Now there's a common cross-platform layout engine that takes DOM elements and renders them to the specified canvas. The individual cross-platform document processors for DOCX, DOC, RTF simply output a common set of DOM elements. With this design, support for other Word-like formats is very easy. VCL, and FMX Windows and Mac OS X support is included in the trial. With the registered version you will be able to build for iOS and Android. The following Word elements are currently supported:
- Section - Page size, Page Orientation, Page margin, and Columns.
- Paragraph - Alignment, Line Spacing [Multiple, Exact, Atleast], Spacing Before, and Spacing After.
- Paragraph Indentation - Left, Right, First Line, and Hanging lines.
- Numbering and bullets.
- Text - Font, Family, Size, Style, Color, and Highlight.
- Images - Inline, Floating, In Font of text, and Behind Text.
- Text Wrapping type - None, Square, Through, Tight, Top and Bottom.
- Tables - Borders, Cell Color, Margins, and Conditional Formatting.
- Styles in Paragraph, Character, Numbering, and Tables.
PDF: We added many new PDF handling capabilities including support for AES decryption, bookmarks with named destinations, viewing annotations in the viewer, interactively adding sticky note annotations in the viewer, and viewing annotation comments in the new annotation view pane. There were also several fixes and enhancements to PDF rendering.
VCL Document Viewer control: The major addition to the VCL viewer control is the ability to view document comments for PDF, interactively add comments to PDFs and the bookmarks pane supporting navigating the document even for bookmarks with named destinations (an indirect reference to the actual page the bookmark points to). New helper methods are also included such as GetZoomPercentForZoomMode, GetZoomSteps, which provides the zoom values for a document/page which include the pre-defined steps + the dynamic values for FitWidth, FitPage and FitHeight zoom modes.
FMX Document Viewer control: Issues related to overlapping of pages while scrolling in iOS device and rendering issues in OS X have been fixed.
IntraWeb DocumentViewer control: We have a new document viewer control for viewing documents in IntraWeb applications. PDF, DOCX, DOC, RTF and the image formats are now supported.
Report Document View control: We were asked many times by many users for a control to render PDF and other formats on reports. Now you have a document view control for FastReport that you can place on your report, connect the control to a blob field containing a PDF/DOCX, DOC/RTF/Image and it will render the document on your report. This control is in preview now with support for single-page documents only included now. It will be enhanced in future releases.
Document Conversion - VCL
Now conversion to PDF from any of the supported formats is a standard feature - earlier you had to use eDocEngine in combination with XtremeDocumentStudio. Following conversions are now supported out of the box:
DOCX, DOC, RTF and Images to PDF
PDF, DOCX, DOC to RTF and Images
Report Export - VCL
Some essential enhancements to PDF have been made including support for font embedding and setting of DocInfo properties.
Other New Controls - VCL
We have included three new VCL controls related to file browsing (derived from the standard Shell controls) - TgtFileBrowserTree, TgtFileBrowserList, TgtFileBrowserCombo.
Standard Viewer Actions
The standard viewer actions have been overhauled and enhanced. The actions now update their Enabled and Checked states based on viewer state. The LoadDocument action exposes its OpenDialog and populates the filter string based on the currently registered document formats.
The XtremeDocumentStudio Framework
The global XDocFramework object provides methods to get the open dialog and save dialog filter strings based on the registered formats and the RegisterDocument method now takes the description (used for constructing dialog filter strings) for the format being registered.
The demos have been overhauled, consolidated and enhanced. The VCL document viewer demo includes support for viewing of all supported formats including the example custom formats (.fp3 and other report output files to be added soon). A file browser control is included to easily select files to view. Along the same lines as the viewer demo, there is only one document converter demo now and it supports all the built-in and custom formats.
XtremeDocumentStudio Delphi Ultimate 2015 R9 includes the following currently:
- Multi-format VCL viewer for PDF, DOCX, DOC, RTF and images.
- Multi-format FMX viewer for Mac OS X for PDF, DOCX, DOC, RTF and images.
- Multi-format FMX viewer (beta) for iOS (PDF, DOC, RTF, images) and Andriod (DOC, RTF, images).
- Multi-format VCL printer.
- Multi-format VCL converter.
- Multi-format VCL report export for FastReport, ReportBuilder, QuickReport, ACE Reporter, and Rave Reports.
- Multi-format IntraWeb VCL document viewer.
- Multi-format FastReport VCL document view control
- Full Source code (registered version).
For more information please view the following links, articles and videos:
Product Home Page
FastReport Export Video
ReportBuilder Export Article
QuickReport Export Article
ACE Reporter Export Article
For any questions related to XtremeDocumentStudio or other Gnostice products, please contact support at or sales at
Thank you,
The Gnostice DevTools Team
Gnostice Information Technologies
Render PDF on FMX Android - correct? Yes, this will be available. Can't say when yet.
ReplyDeleteYes but from a fastreport format
ReplyDeleteIvan Revelli Got it. This is not in our "immediate" list, but we'll come to it.