Where Delphi Developers live: based on orders stats for the last year.

Where Delphi Developers live: based on orders stats for the last year.

United States    18%
Germany    11%
Australia    10%
France    9%
Netherlands    7%
United Kingdom    6%
Canada    4%
China    4%
Czech Republic    4%
Poland    3%
Brazil    3%
Russian Federation    3%
Switzerland    2%
Other countries : 17%
(Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Mexico, Mongolia, New Zealand, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine)


  1. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers When Idera takes over I am hoping that they have a low end Delphi package for hobbyists so they can get additional licenses sold.

    The big boy, Microsoft is giving away VS Professional (AKA Community) at the moment with the exact functionality with the exception of Codelens.

    The initial numbers on this page are for Alexanders products sold and has nothing to do with EMB numbers.

  2. This doesn't include the large community of Delphi developers in Russia who communicate mostly with other Delphi developers in Russia, in Russian language. Or the Brazilian Delphi community, which communicates mostly in portuguese, or the large Indonesian, and the large Chinese communities. So this is mostly a breakdown of "Functionally-literate-in-English speaking users of Delphi".


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