Working with Thunderbird to connect to

Working with Thunderbird to connect to
It was working fine until 2 days ago

I head a connection error
Now the connection is OK but i get this error

!!! Made sure the article found on the forum

newsgroup server responded:no such article found
Perhaps the article has expired
<> (8174)
Click here to remove all expired articles


  1. Suggest you use the web interface of the forums to find a solution.

  2. Lars Fosdal I did already. You guys are the last resort usually.

  3. I used to have an NNTP reader, but I use the Web UI these days. From the message it seems to be a mismatch between your cached article identities and the content of the NNTP server. Perhaps the server side list was rebuilt or something? If you set up a second instance of TBird- do you get anything then?

  4. Lars Fosdal Unfortunately the program dose not allow doing second instance no matter what i am doing. Using Window 7.

  5. Well i guess it is Embarcadero problem lets see in a few days. Thanks

  6. Odd. With the latest Thunderbird (on Mac) I'm getting "
    SSL received a weak ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key in Server Key Exchange handshake message."
    This started happening 2 days ago. I asked internally to look for a fix, same as you report.

  7. However notice that my Thunderbird was updated at the same time, so it might be a higher default security setting in the client, rather than a change in the server.

  8. Marco Cantù I have had that problem for over a year.

  9. Interesting. Thunderbird was working OK for me until 3 days ago...

  10. It is NORMAL again .Connection to forum OK. Embarcadero miracle.

  11. Marco Cantù that's why I irregularly post these security reports.

  12. shlomo abuisak
    I have been waiting, if the server will be fixed. But it seems very unlikely.

  13. For me it is fixed. Only once in a wile connection error
    Other wise it is OK now.
    What i wander if some thing is working why the Embarcadero guys change some thing?


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