Just curious, what do you change after installing Studio? During all these (21!) years, the only thing I change is the editor keyboard settings to "Classic" and uncheck "Persistent selection"


  1. "Save editor files" -> checked (saves before you compile/run.)
    Rearrange some of the windows, where the OI etc is, to suit my taste. I dock several things together.
    Install Bookmarks & Navigator (of course, because I originally wrote them to "scratch an itch" / solve problems I felt were in the IDE, so I find them necessary.)

  2. Editor font and size, window layout, property editor sort order to alphabetic, turn off guide lines, turn on component captions, history count to one, toolbar layout. I think that's about it. Then of course I install GExperts and several component packages.

  3. Change color to speedsetting "Classic". Autosave Editor files and Project desktop.

  4. Editor font as Radek ÄŒervinka mentioned, "file backup limit" to 90 and bump up undo buffer. Rest I can't remember because I don't switch versions too often.

    Oh and then I install the much needed addons, such as IDE Fixpack, DDevExtensions, GExperts.

  5. Oh and I shouldn't forget to mention change the editor colors using DITE, so I can get that VS Dark goodness.

  6. I wonder when Delphi will import your previous settings, libraries and addons...

  7. I enter the software tools that I need to interface with while working with the IDE. I agree with Heinz Toskano I know that it was mentioned during the upgrades settings being imported in from previous versions but that doesn't work for me.

  8. Font: Source Code Pro, size 11. Personalized color scheme. Save a new layout. Install the usual stuff: GExperts, CnWizards, DDevExtensions.

  9. Just options
    "Save editor files" to TRUE
    "EditorOption" SmartTab to TRUE
    "Form Designer" GridSize to 2

    New layout
    Project to left , PropEditor to Right,...

    And since a few month
    "Delphi-IDE-Colorizer" + "delphi-ide-theme-editor"

  10. Delphi IDE Colorizer, Delphi Theme Editor, AutoCreate Forms and DataModules -> False, Save Editor Files, "Full screen code" layout (only editor window visible), Parnassus Navigator

  11. love Rodrigo Ruz DITE and DIC, Dark is the place to be

  12. Heinz Toskano
     Look for migrationtool.exe in the Rad Studio "bin" directory. Unfortunately, the tool exists but nothing helps you find it.

  13. Many but the 2 I can't live without:
    - Twilight code color theme
    - Visual Studio key mappings

  14. Editor Options:
    Keyboard mapping to "IDE Classic"
    Persistent blocks - Off
    Overwrite blocks - On
    Double click line - On

    Source Options:
    Block indent - 2
    Tab stops - 2

    Editor->Display->Font to "Lucida Console", Size 12, but these days 16 for presentations.

    Create new desktop profile by unpinning all panes to leave only the code editor and call the desktop "Code Layout" - you can guess I use the laptop alone a lot :)

  15. X/Y grid of the designer to 2/2; Install GExperts and MMX and all of Andys tools. I merge the panes on the left and right and make the layout more Visual Studio like. Change the font to Lucia Console, line wrap column marker from 80 to 120,
    As of around XE3, I've skipped installing until update 1 arrives as releases aren't stable enough (I'm doing that with most development tools nowadays; .0 versions are not what they used to be).

  16. Eivind Bakkestuen that tool must run in an automatic way, no need for the user to findle with it blindly.

  17. In addition, I always disable buggy Error Insight!

  18. Uninstall all packages bar the essential 3 or 4, apply preferred fonts and colours, remove all PATH entries.

  19. Disable Error Insight.  Disable "Notify on language exceptions" in debugger options.  Bump editor right margin to 120

  20. For me (using the migration tool):
    * Editor keybinding: Wordstar;
    * Editor colours: (custom);
    * Editor: Font size and type (Consolas, 11);
    * Component Palette (colours and layout);
    * GExpert settings;
    * Delphi source formatting options via an export and import;
    * Setup Default and Debugging Layouts;
    * Touch my custom templates with a new date to have them override the IDE's defaults;
    IDE Plugins:
    * Browse and Doc It;
    * Integrated Testing Helper;
    * GExperts;
    * CodeSite;
    * DDevExtensions;
    * Parnassus Bookmarks / Navigator;
    * TestInsight;
    * FixInsight;
    * AutoSave;
    * MessageViewHelper;
    * JEDI VCS.


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