dzDeleteProp 1.0.0 released

dzDeleteProp 1.0.0 released

dzDeleteProp is a small tool I just wrote, that deletes configurable properties from all Delphi .dfm files in a given directory and optionally its subdirectories.

The reason for such a tool is backwards compatibility to older Delphi versions, e.g. Delphi 6 does not know about ExplicitWidth and ExplicitHeight, which Delphi 2007 and above insist on putting into the .dfm files no matter what.


  1. So you re-invented the wheel, again. ;-)
    Let me guess: The existing tools had a serious design flaw: NIH

  2. It has something to do with that, but really, I needed such a till because GExperts and Delphi 6 were annoying the shit out of me.

  3. DDevExtensions already has the ability to remove Explicit* properties, so what is the flaw with it? ;-)

  4. Randy Sill That is already included in GExperts "Set Component Properties". From the Docs: "This tool is useful to deactivate datasets or database connections before you compile your applications, "

  5. Daniela Osterhagen LOL
    I had stability problems with ddevextensions in Delphi 2007. Andy even sent me a special version that didn't have that problem, but that had some other problem (which I don't remember :-( ) so I stopped using it.

  6. Thomas Mueller D2007 has many challenges, to be sure. Working in it every day, I can sympathize.

  7. Daniela Osterhagen Ah, that explains things better - thanks.


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