I'm going through a Ruby on Rails tutorial, and in that context I learned how to set up something called "Guard".

I'm going through a Ruby on Rails tutorial, and in that context I learned how to set up something called "Guard".

Guard is a background process that, once started, will automatically run unit tests whenever I save changes to a file. It will also only run the unit tests associated with that one file.

Is there a analog to this in Delphi, because this is really nice. There's a flash report that pops up in the upper right corner of the screen, and after a few seconds it fades away. No interference, and no need to manually run the unit tests.


  1. TestInsight does that. However you have to have the test project open in your project manager.

  2. +1 here for TestInsight - well worth a look

  3. Thanks Stefan Glienke! I'll take a look at that!

  4. Rob Uttley I think you mean +100 iso +1


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