Microsoft Surface Pen API & Delphi

Microsoft Surface Pen API & Delphi
I'd like to access the new capabilities of the new Pen which comes with the Microsoft Surface 4 tablets. Specifically I'd like to know the pen pressure and if the eraser is being used. Has anyone tried to do this using Delphi? So far I have little.

- Steve #MicrosoftSurface #MicrosoftPen #Delphi


  1. Attila Kovacs HID = "Human Interface Device"?

    At one level yes. But I still need to be able to access the eraser or pen pressure.

  2. Attila Kovacs I'm almost certain the pressure sensor is in the pen

  3. After quite a bit of research I found that Lars Fosdal was right these are part of the WinRT API. The unit is WinAPI.UI.Input.Inking. I cannot find anything which is Delphi specific.

    Marco Cantù are there any plans to wrap this type of API into a component to make it easier to use with Delphi? The Surface range is one of Microsoft's successes. I'd love to be able to incorporate the pressure sensitivity and eraser into my application.

  4. If you're a TMS customer and interested in MS Ink then you might like up-vote this component request. See here:


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