This Inter-process and network messaging lib seems to be very useful, well-documented and backed by a professional German company. Please head to the 'Get Started' section, it's much compelling than its homepage or github project page.

This Inter-process and network messaging lib seems to be very useful, well-documented and backed by a professional German company. Please head to the 'Get Started' section, it's much compelling than its homepage or github project page.


  1. PS, this lib supports both FPC and Delphi, so I think it opens a new door for cooperations between a FPC module and a Delphi module of a single application ;) And, well, using services based on WebSockets via mORMot might get us a more elegant strucuture and results in cleaner code, but I'm not sure if mORMot fully supports Lazarus yet, and you can easily lost in its documentation...


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