Blog post "RAD Studio Hotfixes for XE8 and XE7 with 10 Seattle fixes" at

Blog post "RAD Studio Hotfixes for XE8 and XE7 with 10 Seattle fixes" at


  1. I noticed you've changed your website style!

    Nice to see the fixes in XE7 and 8. I know your summarised what's in them, but is there a page listing the full content of what is in each? The download page links in the blog post just have the downloads, no details.

  2. Stefan Glienke Ah, thanks. Bad layout :/ I scrolled and scrolled and never quite got to the bottom. I expected information at the top.

  3. Yes, not great to have that info so down in the bottom (but if you read my blog, I specifically mentioned getting to the bottom of those pages ;-)

    I've redesigned my blog CSS/HTML over the last 10 days, almost finished. Getting it into this century... the engine migration will be the next project, for now still the good old XML/XSLT stuff.


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