I want to do the right thing here.

I want to do the right thing here.

DUnitX has an expert that creates new DUnitX projects.

I want to use it as a template to create a Delphi MVC project, and to create an Expert to create new controllers, etc.

The DUnitX code is licensed under the Apache license.

I'm going to obviously make a lot of changes to the code, filenames, etc.

Am I even allowed to do this?

If I am allowed to do this, what do I need to do to honor both the spirit and the letter of the license?

Thoughts gratefully accepted.


  1. As far as I can tell, the ultimate goal of FOSS licenses, besides any specific formulations, is that you need to be fair and not gain financially from the exploitation of the work of others. That does not - to me - seem the case here. Try contacting the EFF, I am pretty sure they will tell you something along those lines.

  2. I guess I should also tag Robert Love and Vincent Parrett on this.

  3. Most fare to get in contact with them. On your 'About badge' you could mention them...

  4. Mention them in your source and in the about screen. The Apache License doesn't require you to publish your modifications, but the community would probably appreciate your source modifications.
    Interesting read: http://www.whitesourcesoftware.com/whitesource-blog/top-10-apache-license-questions-answered/

  5. I wrote all of the initial code in the DUnitX Expert, Several small additions have been made since I first wrote it. But if you want to look back at my original commits you can use the code under any license you want. I can't speak for the others after me. The goal of the apache licence is keep credit in the code, there is no requirement to submit back changes. To keep the DunitX code clean in DUnitX I placed Vincent's Name on it, as all I care about it, is it bettering the Delphi Community.

  6. Andrea Raimondi You can certainly gain financially, as long as you honor the license. So you could sell compiled versions if you distribute the source code along with the binaries, for example. Of course, that might be a poor business model, but there's nothing wrong with it as long as you follow the restrictions of the license.

  7. To be clear, I plan on contributing the result to the DMVC project.

  8. Nick Hodges​ feel free to use it, a one line attribution to the dunitx project would suffice.

  9. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with Nick.


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