I was wondering whether this undocumented ExtraUnits feature of CodeInsight is still available in higher IDE? I can't make it work in Delphi 10 Seattle. (I have tried some alternative locations without any luck)

I was wondering whether this undocumented ExtraUnits feature of CodeInsight is still available in higher IDE? I can't make it work in Delphi 10 Seattle. (I have tried some alternative locations without any luck)


  1. Javier Hernández It should act like this depends on the article. (I never had tried it before but it sounds great)

  2. Have you tried to sysinternals Process Monitor to check if it tries to access it? Just filter with bds.exe and path contains ExtraUnits.
    I just tried it with XE and it tries to read it in HKCU\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\8.0\Code Insight\Borland.EditOptions.Pascal\ExtraUnits when I invoke code completion.
    I tried to add some units, but it shows buffer overflow as result and doesn't show code completion window.

  3. Jani Pelttari Great skill. I will take a look.


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