Is EMB doing enough for Delphi on their Roadmap 2016?

Is EMB doing enough for Delphi on their Roadmap 2016?

I must admit, I had high hopes that Idera which bring in some
fresh ideas for Delphi, to modernize and give Delphi a 
new lease of life, but I am rather disappointed with the 2016 Roadmap.  Idera/Emb needs to do more to stop the movement from Delphi to other tools and bring in new developers.

It has become almost a daily occurrence that companies are moving away from Delphi.  Also the third party developers are closing shop and it is becoming more and more difficult to fine third party components/support.  It seems to be a case of too little too late.

What are your thoughts?


  1. Lars Fosdal Sorry, I'm not sure exactly what you're asking me?

  2. Joseph Mitzen I am curious to learn if anything noteworthy has been made with the Web based IDEs you mentioned? I agree that they are conceptually cool, but are they actually being used to build real products? It has to be more than cool, it has to deliver value, and at this point I'm not sure it will do that for Delphi. Perhaps 10 years ago, but not today. Today the apps are too complex.

    Swift is interesting, but it is a huge undertaking to build new platform frameworks for a new language, and even more so to make them cross platform. I'm not so sure if I want Idera to spend resources on that, especially not if those resources would be taken from the Delphi team.

  3. Herbert Sauro haven't looked at Swift but I was looking at Kotlin at the weekend, another general purpose language. Simple, terse, expressive, somewhat functional, strongly typed language. Kotlin has some Pascal like features: although it does type inferencing when you do declare a type it puts the variable name to the left of the type name. It's open source and is supported by the leading compiler and tools vendor, Jet Brains. I was sniffing around for a transcompiler to help with JavaScript code generation. Kotlin compiles to the JVM and to JavaScript making it an interesting candidate.


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