Is there anyone with interests the Delphi language improvements ?.

Is there anyone with interests the Delphi language improvements ?.
e.g., string support in case statement, inheritance helper, improvement property syntax like a c#, support nullable type...
Someday, hope to see in the roadmap.

ps. Dear all. Nowadays, while I studying English. Please understand that english writing is wrong. Thank you :)


  1. I think nullable type is on the list. I will let Marco confirm this one.

  2. David Intersimone I guess they could be easily implemented using generics, and Allen Bauer wrote about it some years ago
    Using variants (available since earlier versions of Delphi), you have nullable values within the language. They are pretty standard, efficient, and easy to work with. For instance ,we handle such value types in our ORM - see
    Also be aware that in the Delphi community, if you speak of "nullable types", you find people shortly trolling about "FreeAndNil" and that an object should never be nil. You have been warned! ;)

  3. I am not sure I'd want the same syntactic sugar that C# has for properties. I think that Delphi does not really need it because Ctrl+C does most of the job. What I would REALLY be happy to see, though, is a small change whereby completing a class at cursor with a newly declared property uses a field for the set as well. I think the fact it's using an accessor method may entice developers to put stuff there that shouldn't be.

  4. Andrea Raimondi you meant SHIFT-CTRL-C, right?

  5. Dorin Duminica possibly, yeah :D I meant Class Completion :)

  6. Andrea Raimondi I use a template to create such a property.

  7. JungHwan Jang​ According to the roadmap, the Godzilla 10.2 release, will, possibly (I hope :D), include new language features (you can see "including language support" in the right side).

  8. Nullable types would be great David Intersimone  Id also like to see async/await or something similar to that.

  9. David Intersimone I am looking forward to nullable types, but besides them I would also like to see some related compiler features that would make it easier to work with such types. 

    Like null coalescing operator, optional chaining and similar. Actually, I would like to have those for reference types too.

  10. Mike Margerum Some way to emulate async/await (using OTL, I think it should work also with System.Threading)

  11. Andrea Raimondi I prefer less verbosity and ceremony in source code over "IDE vomit" (aka code/class completion) any day.

  12. David Berneda Not very efficient though.

  13. As David Intersimone mentions, nullable types are on our internal language roadmap... not 100% sure what you mean by inheritance helper.

    In any case, there are many open feature requests on, and they are being evaluated

  14. Marco Cantù Whoops, The word choices was wrong. It means the record helper supports "ancestor list" like a Free Pascal or Class Helper. And I will post the issue on quality portal as you mentioned. Thank you.


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