OmniPascal 0.9 released!

OmniPascal 0.9 released!
This release is about namespaces, full qualified identifiers and more context sensitive code completion.
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  1. I think this will give a great editing experience to pascal devs but without debugging and other tools, the utility is quite limited, isn't it? I mean, don't get me wrong but editing code is only a tiny part of software development. In fact during an application life cycle, the code writing phase is small compared to the maintenance phase where debugging is vital...

  2. Alexandre Machado of course, writing code doesn't cover the whole process. In huge legacy projects my personal  work is 80% reading code, 10% writing code, 9% debugging and 1% working with the form designer.
    A couple of years ago I used the debugger heavily until I learned the principles of test-driven development. Now I use the debugger rarely (let's say less than 1% of the time I spend in the development process). Let's have a look on OmniPascal. The OmniPascal project is made completely without using a debugger. Everytime I encounter a bug I write a test that checks its abscence in order to change the productive code until the new test and all the other tests pass. I don't even need to switch to the IDE to compile and run the unit tests.
    I know there are many projects outside where the internal archtiecture makes it hard to do TDD. But at least reading and writing code can be done nicely with OmniPascal. You still need the IDE to do the other jobs. OmniPascal is meant to be a companion to the IDE - not a replacement. I really hope to attach the debugger in the future but that doesn't depend on me only.

  3. Christopher Wosinski thanks for your clarification :-)


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