A couple days ago I started receiving spam emails from "The Delphi Parser" product. I never used it, or interacted with it or anything related to ti. To the best of my knowledge, that comes either from here, or from linkedin (most likely). But just to rule out this source of email leaking for sure: anybody else experiencing this?

A couple days ago I started receiving spam emails from "The Delphi Parser" product. I never used it, or interacted with it or anything related to ti. To the best of my knowledge, that comes either from here, or from linkedin (most likely). But just to rule out this source of email leaking for sure: anybody else experiencing this?


  1. No but what is the Delphi Parser Group (url)?

  2. Seems LinkedIn is the source. At least it is here.

  3. Nicholas Ring it's a product. Who's owner, or whomever turned to the dark side in matter of promoting it and now uses email spam, beside the linkedin group spamming.

  4. I am also getting it. They seem to be also doing it a bit extreme IMHO .

  5. I care more about who leaked my email address. That pissed me off.

  6. Got two messages from them also. Tried to unsubscribe, will see the results.

  7. Maxim Peresada are you also using this same email from g+ on linkedin?

  8. AFAIK, if your email is private on G+ - there is no way it can be scraped.

  9. I haven't got an email. I feel left out :(

  10. just received another one... it's the second today

  11. Lars Fosdal my email, and a lot of other info are private everywhere. Let's just say I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to my personal info, so I take extra precautions.
    Anyway, I contacted linkedin about this. I'll get back here when I receive a reply but I doubt they'll admit to anything.

  12. Mircea Pfa Bla.. ha... ha... ha... the Delphi parser is out to get ya! You have been parsed! :-P

  13. From memory, with gmail accounts, you can add something to the username that can help identify where you have used it - here is a like from our friend Lars Fosdal - https://plus.google.com/+LarsFosdal/posts/fNHDY5Z63QT

    I keep forgetting about that.

  14. Let me tip you better: use dots (.) in your address instead of +something.
    For example, let's assume your email address is Nicholas.Ring@gmail.com That is the exact same address as NicholasRing@gmail.com and as N.i.cholas.R.i.n.g@gmail.com and so on and so forth. Basically gmail removes all dots and considers the resulting address as your actual address (this is gmail specific).
    So if you really want to track the spammers, add the dots. I always do that with sites I don't trust, but linkedin ... I never saw that coming, shame on me.

  15. Mircea Pfa The + version can be used to identify where the email is used: Mircea.Pfa+Linkedin@gamil.com, Mircea.Pfa+ebay@gamil.com, etc..so if a spammer uses a specific email, you might be able to trace where from...

  16. Nicholas Ring same goes for the dots, you just need to manually track which dotted address goes to which account/site. (I do that). I may be wrong but the plus version has a number of issues, where the dot one does not. Well, except for the manual tracking...

  17. Not all systems accept the + variant in their email address validation code.

  18. So it appears that your LI direct connections can see your email address and phone number, at least.
    In my case I had Oren asking to connect with me a few months ago, and didn't think anything of it. I figure the idiot did the same with a lot of other members most likely for the sole purpose of gathering spam-targets.
    In any case, I have removed all connections I don't directly know, one way or another. I had a little over 80 so this went quick.

    I doubt linkedin will change anything just because of my report, so take notice.


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