Has anybody ever tried to replace the DOS executable stub, that prints "This program requires Microsoft Windows" with something more fun? Can this be done with a Delphi program (where the DOS program is maybe written with Borland Pascal?)?


  1. Never even thought of trying. I'm sure the message would be easy to replace if it's the same length or shorter, and probably doable with longer messages with some work.

    /sub for interest.

    Also... what message(s) would you like to print?

  2. I think that stub is a useless feature now days. You can't interact with it unless you still use DOS. Could be fun to play ASCII pong instead of seeing that obsolete message :-)

  3. well... a bit of google fu, shows me this https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7z0585h5.aspx

    enjoy hacking your windows dos stubs!!!

  4. I remember doing this in the Borland Pascal DPMI era. Should not be much more different. I don't have source code any more, but back then it was basically a simple DOS program.


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