Hey everyone

Hey everyone,

has someone used the Inclinometer3D sensor on Android 6.0+ and Delphi Seattle?
I've got the Nexus 5X and when executing the official gyroscope demo the rectangle is going totally crazy.

It seems to me, there is a bug inside the Delphi implementation of android sensors.
I took a look at older source code from XE7 (in my DX trial it's not available):
But when accessing the TiltX, TiltY, TiltZ values there, every time the sensor event queue is requested.

Keeping in mind that the device is still moving, while getting TiltX, TiltY and TiltZ, those values may come from different sensor events. So they can not be consistent anymore.

Besides that I had to compile the gyroscope demo with sdk 24.4.1 and ndk 10e.

Another problem seems to be the UpdateInterval, which is on Android 6.0+ at least 18019 microseconds. Values less than will lead to freaky data again.

The last problem I've detected, is that the Rotation Vector Sensor (= Inclinometer3D) still got some gyro drift. Has anyone tried to fuse with it another sensor?
