Originally shared by David Berneda

Originally shared by David Berneda
Automatic Dashboard using data from a web provider (Quandl.com).
A small template defines where is the data (in a TeeBI store or external), and how should it be rendered, in this example as a grid and a chart panels.
Data is automatically analyzed to detect special kinds of values like Financial, and in this example dates are reversed and in yyyy-mm-dd format.
This example (optional) minimal code is:
BIVisual1.Template := TBITemplate.FromText( Memo1.Lines );
Identical code works in VCL and FMX Firemonkey, and rendering to plain HTML for the web with no other dependencies than TeeChart Javascript:
var Web : THTMLRender;
Looks fine. Please correct "datas" because the word "data" has only singular form. Similar to "information" word.
ReplyDeleteTomasz Kunicki Yes I'll do ! (habit of adding "s" to collections) thanks for correcting !
ReplyDeleteIsn't "data" the plural of "datum" ?
ReplyDeleteThank you for the web provider link!!!
ReplyDeleteТарас Поліщук Quandl is fine !
ReplyDeleteGoustiFruit Wiki says its controversial as "datum" is rarely used. It's little tricky word and it might be both. So on the internet and in the books you can find that usage of "data is" is growing while "data are" is declining. This is little of topic but i found this interesting. http://www.forbes.com/sites/naomirobbins/2012/07/25/is-the-word-data-singular-or-plural/#2606a8562c02